Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life Long Learning

I have learned so much in this class. I think my greatest take away is that I need to be “plugged in” to the technology community as it pertains to teaching and learning.  I am a creature of habit. I like things that are predictable and consistent. It takes me time to learn new skills, but I think with this class I have gained tools that can help me to make a somewhat smooth transition into the 21st century.

1.)  The entire module on pedagogy, digital tools and the SAMR model.  Knowing where to look for tools has helped me change my lessons to be more interactive. The SAMR model I shared with my technology committee and some of them were very receptive. I know it has helped me to think about what I want to do with technology and what are some ways in which I can implement at a higher level.
2.)  Creating goals for implementation.  I know I want my students to have transferable tech skills that will help them in their future careers. I have many students who want to be mechanics; they can’t see the connections between biology and their future job. I want it to be clear that while the concepts are different, the skills they learn such as problem solving, communicating, and using technology are cross- curricular.
3.)  Continuing with professional development to keep up to date on new strategies, programs, hardware, etc.  This summer I am attending a technology conference and I plan to take other opportunities that are made available.
4.)  Authentic Assessment. I am a slow grader, and it sometimes takes me 2 weeks to grade tests. HW assignments and quizzes take me less time, but I get bogged down which leaves less time for planning lessons and keeping up with educational blogs. The Authentic assessment module offered many ideas about using technology for intermediate assessments and projects that I can begin to implement after some practice.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought the SAMR model was a great tool. It taught me that, while there is room for the substitution level, integration cannot be limited to that. I also think that it paints a very clear picture of what technology has the potential to do. It also gives teachers something to refer to when trying to devise ways to use technology in their lessons.
